Special Services

SPG can provide a protection plan to fit your specific needs and budget. Our investigators are experienced and professionally trained to keep an eye out for potentially harmful situations.

School Workshops

Strategic Protection Group and its staff conduct dynamic workshops tailored to address specific issues in your school's community. Our staff engages participants in lively discussions regarding the use and abuse of drugs, prejudice, violence, gangs and electronic communication. We can provide curriculum support, diversity sensitivity training, and will work with you to develop specific strategies to combat the problems you face to build a safe, knowledgeable, and informed school community.

Our programs are not a how-to guide but an up-front and a graphically realistic portrayal of the potentially life-altering consequences associated with making poor and uninformed decisions. At SPG, we understand that children need support at this crucial stage of their development.

Expert Witness Testimony

Expert witnesses pose a special issue for criminal trials. The opposing expert witness's testimony is taken as fact. Generally, this testimony deals with critical aspects of the criminal trial. The most basic concern for qualifying an expert witness is if they actually hold their alleged academic credentials. Is the expert witness really an expert? What impact have they had on their field? Are their methods excepted by their peers? Strategic Protection Group is able to definitively answer these questions.

Expert Media Consultant

In our investigations the SPG team may comb through files found on computers and Web servers, do extensive surveillance work and wiretapping and utilize other investigative techniques. Using this evidence, analysts can track down perpetrators of crimes or determine what actually happened in a given scenario. Most jury members, judges, attorneys, and other people present in courtrooms do not have the same level of knowledge of digital forensics and undercover operations that SPG does. This means that the contents of their expert testimony could sway a court decision. SPG is available to give testimony in all kinds of cases and is guaranteed to give reliable and thorough testimony.